Crimeware and financial cyberthreats in 2024 – Source:

Source: – Author: Kaspersky Kaspersky Security Bulletin At Kaspersky, we constantly monitor the financial cyberthreat landscape, which includes threats to financial institutions, such as banks, and financially motivated threats, such as ransomware, that...

Ransomware, extorsion and the cyber crime ecosystem by NCSC & NCA

A white paper from the NCSC and the NCA. Introduction Ransomware has been the biggest development in cyber crime since we published the NCSC’s 2017 report on online criminal activity. Ransomware is a type of malware which prevents you from accessing your device and...

Stealer for PIX payment system, new Lumar stealer and Rhysida ransomware – Source:

Source: – Author: GReAT Introduction As a cybersecurity company, Kaspersky is constantly dealing with known and brand-new malware samples. As part of our crimeware reporting service, we provide our customers with technical reports on the evolution of...

A cryptor, a stealer and a banking trojan – Source:

Source: – Author: GReAT Introduction As long as cybercriminals want to make money, they’ll keep making malware, and as long as they keep making malware, we’ll keep analyzing it, publishing reports and providing protection. Last month we covered a wide...